The story of us...The Watts Family...and regular updates for those who are following...


Lime Green = GREAT!

Such a sweet, sweet girl!!! We love you, Molly Piper!
Say cheese! Todd bought Molly the Disney Princess Music & Lights walker the other night after he got off work. She loves it, but at this point only goes BACKWARDS in it! hahaha

In this picture, she's looking up at my dad, who came over to see Molly. Tell me again: WHY is she smiling? LOL. She gets a kick out of him; I don't know why!

Molly, trying to be camera me, THAT didn't last long. She LOVES the camera and just smiles and smiles whenever we snap her picture! She's so cute about it, so patient! Yay, Molly! Maybe you have your daddy's patience instead of mommy's IMpatience! Let's hope...

A happy baby girl, Miss Molly is! :)

Yeah, I'm chewing on my a problem with that?

Here I am, ladies and gentlemen, standing up on my new toy bucket my daddy bought for me. It's bendy, so it does not hurt me when I fall into it like my old, hard one did. I love it! It's pink, which makes it only tha much better!

I'm soooo strong! I'm not even 8 months old and I can pull up, cruise the furniture, crawl, sit up, catch myself when I lose my balance while sitting, AND I am trying to put my leg up to "crawl" up onto the couch or foot stool! I can also push the foot stool around the living room, walking and pushing it as I go. It's so much fun!!! And, it's so much fun for my mommy and daddy to watch me do this!


Miss Molly is petting the goats...or sheep...or whatEVER they're called. They may be sweet and cute, but that does NOT mean I know what they're called!
HEY!!! YOU!! I CAN drink from this 20-ounce bottle, you know!!!

Mommy and Molly Piper and Molly's hip-hop-anonymous (as in the flick Big Daddy) pool! LOL. Thanks, Todd, for blowing it up for Molly! You saw it and she TRULY enjoyed splashing in it.

Molly Piper, in her daddy's arms. Tulsa Zoo. June, 2009.

Good Morning, Sunshine! Tulsa Zoo, June 2009!


I Miss My Old Life...

Yeah, I'm gonna say the thing you're not supposed to say....I Mis My Old Life....You know...the Life Before Baby......

NOT That I would rather be without Little Miss MollY...because that is just NOT so! I love her with all my heart and soul, but I DO miss my old life! I miss going out to dance. I miss Todd and my's "Godfather" nights when we'd eat homemade Italian food and watch the Godfather trilogy all night! I miss getting to go wherever, whenever I please. Uhhhh...I miss taking a shower twice (or at least ONCE a day, anyway!!!!).

With a baby, life is just different. Period.

Today, without Molly to worry about, I watched my FAVE movie, Sex and The City, like, 3 times! It was AWESOME!!! So much like old times that I didn't even have to stay awake during the boring parts of the movie! LOL.. Really, though, on a more serious note: I kept thinking just how sweet Molly Piper is, how much I missed her, and how I missed New York. I continued to think how I'd missed out on this entire life of fashion week, a great writing career, a great apartment, for what I could afford; I thought about the clothes that I would have accumulated, the friends I would have made...and it just clicked...

My life, now, is with Todd and Molly. Molly is first and Todd is next. Molly is my heart of hearts, absolutely. Todd is the reason I get up in the morning, and Molly Piper follows with a close's hard to tell...but still, they are BOTH the center of my world...even if I DO live in Oklahoma rather than New York City, as I'd always pictured....but the one thing I can never, EVER give up is the picture of the NY Public Library...the way Madison Avenue is all abuz at 5:00 PM...the cupcake shop, Magnolia Street Bakery.... and alllllllllll those great, wonderful, beautiful bookstores that specialize in hard-to-find books in print and publications long exhuausted on, I will miss NYC forever, and I will miss the perfect part of me that longs for NYC and only NYC...

Happy Father's Day!

What a pretty girl, picking on her baby wipes! LOL...She is in total FULL motion now, and we try and sit with her nad teach her everything about the world around her.
SugarBoogie and her daddy....I ADORE that sweet toothy grin! SSooooo cute...

Her "modest" look.....

She is SO joyful here! LOL. She'd crawled off her mats, as always, and continued to keep mommy HOPPING....WHO KNEW a mother's work was so difficult? LOL Not I!!!!! LOL She's sooooo worth it, though.

Standing sooooo pretty!


What Do You Do When….

As a parent, whaddyou do when your high chair is recalled? Last night, I was reading this month’s issue of PARENTS magazine, and lo and behold, our high chair has been recallled! What do I do? Molly does NOT sit in it well; she slides down in it, actually. UGH!! Therefore, we are still feeding her in the Bumbo seat, but she soon will be too big for her pink Bumbo….

What about parents who don’t read the magazine or get updates about recalled baby products? I feel badly for them, that’s what. After all, as a parent, I want to KNOW what is going on with my baby and would never intentionally put her in harm’s way. Using a recalled product, however, IS putting a child in harm’s way…but not knowing about the recall? I think it should be a requirement that they advertise WELL that such goods are recalled and what to do to remedy the situation. Not EVERY parent comes from the same economic or cultural background, and therefore may receive such information in various places or areas…not EVERYone has access to the web, as foreign to me as that is, but still….ALLL families are different in their beliefs but ALL families deserve to have knowledge associated to or pertaining to their childrens’ health, safety and well-being, no matter WHAT their access level is to outside information or income, etc.

Okay. Now I’ll get off my Mommy SoapBox. LOL.

Mi Amore....whom we adore....

Molly Piper, the light of our lives...

Lookin' CUTE playing in her jumperoo.

And here again, in BLACK and WHITE!

And yet again in COLOR...jumping makes the picture fuzzy, though...

Mommy and Molly, watching TV.

Grabbing at her parrot on her jumperoo, Molly is a deeelight and such a joy to have in our lives...


YEAH, I'm what?

*we can roll from stomach to back.
*we can roll from back to stomach!
*we can reach "up" for people who want to pick us up and who good communication that htey WANT to pick me up!
*I can hold my own bottle!
*I can drink from a 20-ounce bottle (as reported by AA&UT but not witnessed by mommy and daddy....
*I am now using "regular folks'" detergent!!! (BIG milestone for daddy!)
*I am pulling up to the couch, the tin used for MOMMY's TABLE and the dog pin (as per Aunt Amy and Uncle Tony)/
*I can hold my own bottle...
*I love my G and I love my PawPaw very much!
*I believe that I love to watch Brutus and Devil Dawg get into "wrestling matches" while I try and doze off to sleep==the more noise, the BETTER!
*I want to meet my Uncle Butch very badly! My mommy thinks about him a LOT and I know she is concerned about his health...
*I can't believe I am 7 months old already. My mommy and daddy give me "double kisses: a lot and I smile my lucy toothy smile at both of precious am I???
*Uncle Tony, WHY do you have SUCH a hard time dealing with the bown my mommy thinks that I need? I know, I know: daddy does NOT think I need bows, either, but I simply DO! I am a girl, and girls find the need to accessorize, even at an EARLY age! LOL.
*While mommy and daddy prefer that I choose veggies over fruits, Aunt A and Uncle T tend to give me fruits and sweeter things rather than bland, veggie stuff....RIGHT? right. But... I still prefer green beans and squash as opposed to peaches and applesauce, as is on my FACE!!! LOL.
*I currently FIGHT sleep....OMG!!!! Only 1 day this week have I been able to put our Sugar Boogie to sleep....all the other nights, Todd has to do it, as I simply do not have th pateince or the stamina to survive Molly Piper Watts! LOL!
*I have started going to Aunt Amber's House 2 or 3 times a week, depending on how many days daddy has to work outside of the house that day...and I LOVE IT!!! Amber, if you're readin' this, you have GOT TO KNOW how much Molly enjoys you, Jessica, Abbi, Hunter and Wyatt.........truly, she LOVES you all and I simply do NOT know how to duplicate the same sounds at home.....SOOOOooooooooooo......we have been struggling wtih serious insomnia on
Any of our readers know how to combat sleepiness/sleepyness without bugging her family?
God Bless and Take Care.
Todd, Lz and Molly Piper Watts

COOL Mommy, but still waiting...

June already! My friend Cindy called today saying just that, and we cackled like old women and talked about how as we age the time goes faster and faster.

"Remember when you used to say, I'm five AND A HALF!"? she said.

I do remember.

And I remember thinking, boy, I'm eleven years old now. That's getting up there. That's more or less a teenager. I couldn't wait to be a teenager and drink cherry Coke at the drugstore and have a boyfriend with a ducktail and a fast car and a key chain with a funky fob. I thought cool would automatically descend upon me.I'm, uh, still waiting on that one.

Oh Gosh!!!

Oh my GOODness!!! My memory is HORRIBLE! I got an email tonight with these tips for avoiding latter-age memory loss. UH....what about YOUNGER AGE memory loss? LOL

*Get plenty of regular exercise to boost oxygen to the brain and reduce your risk of disorders that can lead to memory loss. YEAH, right! I KNOW I need to exercise more, but HOW do you do it with a 7 month old? I tried to buy a used bicycle trailer, but it had already sold by the time I got to the Children's Orchard...Only other exercise I can think of is mall-strolling (which is 20 miles away) or roller skating (I have both indoor/outdoor wheels for my sk8s but hafta havemy
*Pack your diet full of vegetables and fruits, healthy fats and whole grain foods. We eat a LOT of veggies at our house, and thankfully Molly LOVES them! Her daddy and mommy ALSO love fact, in high school, her mommy was a I guess she comes by it honestly.
*Keep stress under control, which will help make it easier to concentrate., like, how do you do that?? LOL. Stress is my middle name....
*Get enough quality sleep each night. And HOW, do you propose, I do THAT with a teething baby who is also a NIGHTOWL?????? UH....guess I missed the chapter on that subject because nothing I do works. Only her DADDY seems to be able to put her to sleep as of late....maybe I am just not as patient????
*Avoid smoking, which increases the risk of vascular problems that can lead to stroke and reduce oxygen to the brain. Oh, ewwww. I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER smoke anything ever again in my life! At 5 or 6, I was curious and wanted to puff on my mom's cigarettes. She ultimately (after much debate) let me, and lemme tell ya, it was a GROSS experience. ICK! I think she let me take a hit simply to prove to me why she didn't want me to be interested in cigs, and it WORKED. It was a NASTY, DISGUSTING experience that I NEVER wish to take up or wish I had started before now. YUCK!! Why would you wanna inhale something so harmful? Lord knows I do NOT need reduced oxygen to my brain! I am ding-dong enough withough an abusive substance hindering me.....LOL.


We Miss You, Boogie!

Smiles....that is what I get most of the day!

Oh, how we miss our Molly Piper! She is with Aunt A and Uncle T and cousins Spencer and Kole and GG and Papaw this weekend, but we have sung our "made up" songs about Molly and have talked about her to no end. Is this NORMAL? It's like, even when she is not with us, we are still thinking about her. But, we know she is safe and well cared for this weekend, so we are rested and trying to get things done around the house that otherwise would go incompleted if Molly were here.

I just learned that Molly can drink from a 20-ounce bottle of water! How EXCITING!! I let her drink from my water here at home but she has not yet mastered the "cup" thing yet. Sippy cup? Yeah, that's too much work for her...but I guess Amy and Tony got her to drink from a bottle of water and she did really well! WOW! We are SO proud of you, Sugar Boogie!

Todd is at Wal-Mart, getting stuff for the week and buying a pool for Molly. We USED to have a HUGE pool before the building of the monstrous houses began across the pasture....and because of all the dirt and debrit from that, our HUGE POOL was we had to take it down. But now that we have a baby, Todd's getting Molly's first pool and it ought to be a blast for all of us. She LOVES bath time, so hopefully she will love pool time as well.

I have been working the majority of the day, with intermittent cleaning here and there. Todd got some of his personal stuff shredded that he needed to toss and I've worked. We have shared in the laundry. The dishes are all now clean, as is the laundry and hte carpet and the freezer and fridge. The bedding is being washes as I type this. I have yet to clean Miss Molly's room, though, and go through her clothes. She is 7 months old TODAY!!! YAY!!!! She is wearing 9-12 month clothes, depending on the brand, so I have to go through the next size up and wash/dry/put on hangers before she can actually wear them, as they've been in totes for hte last 1-1/2 years, at least! LOL. Seriously, I was planning for Molly even before she was ever conceived...just KNEW we would have our girl first...and we DID!

Still on my TO DO list are:

wash rugs (throw rugs)
clean out cat boxes
sweep/mop kitchen
clean Molly's room and dung out her closet
dung out MY closet!!!!
clean the bathroom (UGH!)
wash the curtains

I worked the better part of the day and Todd sifted through his paperwork and shredded what he felt he no longer needed. He is a total bill packrat. When he pays a bill, he keeps the receipt fo proof. NOT ME!!!! As soon as I pay it, that sucker goes to the trash! But my work area is a mess, which is VERY distracting. So...gotta get THAT clean before Molly comes back home! LOL.

We miss you, Molly Piper! We can't wait to see you, although mommy and daddy want to do their taxes again tonight! LOL.



Yeah, Uncle Tony, it's a big PURPLE bow!!! DEAL WITH IT!!!!!

Blurry and beautiful!!! Molly Piper in true "Andy Warhol form", mommy style! LOL
See my bow, Uncle T????? Dontcha just luv it?


Toothy Lucy! LOL