The story of us...The Watts Family...and regular updates for those who are following...


13 Weeks, Waiting for Her...

Well, it looks like everything is coming up roses! Life is great, home is great, Todd is great and I am great! Work rocks and I am very blessed with having time to get ready for BABY GIRL WATTS...
Folks, I am OFFICIALLY almost 27 weeks pregant, and I'm doing GREAT! I've had a few contractions, and have had trouble breathing, but according to my doctor and others, this is completly normal. Having never had a baby before, I was concerned about the tummy pains but the more I've been reading, I'm finding that it is just my body adjusting to all these changes and getting ready for childbirth....Speaking of which, we start our labor/lamaze classes next week! I'm excited! Well, I start back to school AND we start our L&D classes next for the next 3 months or so, life is gonna be crazy...or, well...for the next 3 months and 18 years??!! :)
I am gaining more weight, and kind of flipping out about that a little bit but I know, I know I'm being foolish. I've gained around 14 pounds so far. The doctor is pleased. Wish I could say the same, but I just have this huge fear of being huge again. HA! Anyway, I know some of the weight comes from water, which I have been holding PLENTY OF THAT. Seriously, my feet and ankles, all the way up to my kness, well, there are plenty of days when they are so swollen and painful I don't know what to do. Again, the doctor says this is normal but jee sure is a LOT of SWELLING for only being in the end of the second trimester! I had a health scare last week sometime, but that resolved itself, thank God! I thought I had blood clots in my left leg but it turned out that I didn't, and I am sooooooo relieved and so thankful for that. Anyway, right now nothing is fitting me right. I bought a few new shirts at Gap but I'm STILL trying to hold off on buying maternity pants...I just hate to spend all that money on pants I won't be able to wear but for another few months! So, I've been utilizing the BellyBands that I bought several months ago, but have not needed until now. I'm finding the most comfortable attire right now to be DRESSES! They keep me cooler and make me feel feminine, not like I feel like I just swallowed a watermelon! LOL.

We've had LOTS of excitement the last month or so. Buttons got VERY sick and had to have bladder surgery, like, pronto, so we were dealing with a very sick girl for about 3 weeks. She got sprayed by a skunk the night before we took her in for surgery, the little turkey! I was up bathing her at 2 AM but unfortunately couldn't get the smell out of her fur. EW! I like skunk smell, but only in passing...not on the dog! ;-) Anyway, then we had a big gas leak here at our house and Charlotte (kitty) got sick, I think, from the fumes. She is all right now, though, thank goodness. Todd fixed the leak and we're good as new. Hopefully. LOL. Now we're gearing up to repair the roof, put a new bathroom floor and toilet in, get these screendoors made and hung, call the cable company to re-route my Internet to the kitchen (a corner of which will soon become my new office/study). I have to make a curtain for our bedroom and get all the baby stuff in order after the nursery is painted and the picket fence is hung on the walls. Todd has some trees in our yard that he is wanting to cut down and take out, but whether he is able to get to THAT right now or not is the, oh, my....we have a LOT of other things to get done before that happens, but we simply cannot afford to have another huge ice storm like we did last year and risk a tree falling over on our house. Last year's storm killed 2 of our trees and they just really need to be out of here. In between all of that, Todd goes up and mows his mom's and grandma's yards because they simply don't need to be out in this heat doing it themselves. Plus, I think he likes using his new toy, the mower, so I never complain.

We have had several new adventures in the past few weeks. We bought a truck one week, Todd bought a new Cub Cadet zero turn mower the next, and then finally we broke down and bought a trailer to haul it on. The trailer was the hardest to find; ya'll know I'm a bargain shopper! Anyway, we had to go to Broken Arrow to get it, and we ended up spending most of the day there. Todd bought it from a retired man who makes them, and it's perfect for Todd. I keep joking that this week we need to buy a boat, and then NEXT week we'll buy an RV, and then we'll be ALLLlllllll set, and we'll even be able to take the baby camping in comfort next year instead of having her be all cooped up in a hot tent. Of course, my wise-about-money hubby just laughs! :) And when one of us laughs, we are usually laughing together! LOL.

Alright, the one you've probably all been waiting of our little girl!

Her name is going to be Molly Piper and we're expecting her on November 6th! Hopefullyy, she'll not arrive a day sooner because we have SO much stuff to do.
Todd is working on the screen doors for the nursery tomorrow (Monday). We want to keep all 7 of our furry children OUT of the baby's room and off her stuff! The kitties all pretty much believe they own the place, and they act like it, too. So, to avoid any dangers where the animals are concerned, we're just hanging screen doors on both doors of Molly's room.
We are having the nursery painted this month, then we'll hang the picket fence on the walls.
After that, Todd can start putting all the furniture and the stroller combo together and I can start decorating her room. We have everything, absolutely EVERYTHING we need, but cannot seem to find a baby monitor we both like. Todd thinks it needs to have a long range on it and we can't find one with a long enough range. Babies 'R Us, if I remember correctly, was out of them the last time we checked.
She already has a TON of clothes...and my good friend Dr. T keeps sending the CUTEST things. Every week, she sends us a package. It's like Christmas comes once a week and it's so much fun to open the little packages! Sometimes I try to wait for Todd to get home so he can open some, too, but usually curiosity gets the best of me and I have to rip into it the minute I bring it in from the mailbox! Thanks Teresa! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! :)
We recently celebrated our 3rd anniversary, and I have to say that I am sooo blessed with such an awesome husband. I know GOD was involved when He led us to each other because Todd's presence in my life has answered every prayer I've ever had. He is my rock and he's SUCH a good-hearted man. Genuine, kind, loving...OMG, I could blab on and on and on about him, but I won't, in case he is reading this! LOL. It would just make his face turn RED! LOL. Anyway, we are happy and he makes me happy every single day of our lives together. Sure, there have been a few patchy spots but we got through 'em and have been over 'em for a while now. The first year and a half was the hardest, but now I can't imagine my world without the Love of My Life in it. He is going to be SUCH an awesome daddy to Molly Piper.


Anonymous said...

I think you are the BEST too! I am so excited and happy for you! Love you! T

Dana said...

I swear, you get prettier the more pregnant you are. What's up with that. You look wonderful. So happy for you!


Anonymous said...

You are looking and sounding so wonderful. You and Todd look great together. Molly is going to be one lucky little lady. Love, Dianne

Anonymous said...

ohhh my , you are absoulutly amazing and glowing so... she is to cute i cant wait to see her. well we went canoeing saturday at gracies . it wasnt the same without you in fact jody and i talked about you and todd and how we missed you there , after we got done he and i drove up to eureka springs and rented a motel room swam in the pool till after ten it was so peaceful, once again we wished you were there. we spent the day lurking around the town and came home that night . we wished you were there but know you would have never made it with all the walking and climbing we did in a 103* heat . well we love you and will talk later. Amber