The story of us...The Watts Family...and regular updates for those who are following...


Molly on the Gooooo!

Okay! I think we have a baby who likes to go...We hadn't been out for a few days and Molly has been super fussy. We think she may be teething, really, but still...FUSSY baby, not sleeping well, yah-yah-yahing her way through the day. Drooling like a fool, too! Chewing on EVERYTHING as if it were her very own "chew" toy! haha.

Anyway, today we started the day and have been gone alllllllll day. We visited, we shopped, we visited some more! I gave her a bottle at my grandma and grandpa's house and then finally we arrived home and I swaddled her and she fell asleep in, like, 2 minutes! RECORD TIME!!! She's asleep now....butchaknowwhat? I think Molly Piper likes to goooooooooooooooooooooo. Seriously. On the days when we are out and about, she is in a much better mood! The house must totally bore her! The problem? I don't know how to fix that! We have books, Baby Einstein, soft things for her to touch and play with, teethers...a Bumbo, a bouncee, a jumperoo, a name it, she probably has it...but still, when we are out among people, she does really well and then comes home and sleeps like a dream for me.

A quick note to remind myself: As the weather begins getting warmer, maybe I ought to try and get her outside more often and get her around people. She really likes people! She just smiles that beautiful little grin and flashes it when people acknowledge her and talk to her! I love it!

Wish us luck tomorrow at the contest! I've been forgetting to pack my camera but I'm putting it in the diaper bag TONIGHT!!!!! LOL.


liz and Molly

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