Today has been a lot of fun. We went to church with my cousin Amy and her husband and their son. It was refreshing, to say the least! Then we all went to eat at Chimi's. They had a meeting to go to and we went to Wal-Mart to get supplies for the week, bought gas and somethin' to drink and then came on home. I slept the whole way home, which is not unusual for me to do, sleep while Toddy drives! haha
I got the camera out and he took this pic of me.
I am almost 6-1/2 weeks pregnant today. We are soooo excited because this Wednesday we actually get to go for our first ultrasound to see the heartbeat and take a look at the little peanut! We can't wait! I'm thinking maybe there are 2 in there, but anyway... All I know is that after we go on Wednesday, I will feel a *lot* better about this whole thing. It will be real to me then, knowing everything is in the right place and where it still should be. I haven't had any problems or anything (other than the ICK feeling that I've had nonstop for about a week) but go through something once so traumatic as losing a baby and you always think it could keep happening. So, I just say my Thank You's everyday to God and I know that He has a plan for us and for our family...
I have a ton of clothes I've been stockpiling for the last few years. Everything I've bought I've gotten on sale...I don't shop any other way! Here are a few of the pictures I took today, but trust me, there are a HUNDRED more where these came from!
Don't worry, I have BOY stuff, too, but my batteries died before I could take any more pictures! My friend Traci's baby is due in early May, so if we DO have a boy, she'll be inheriting many of these cute outfits or else I'll eBay them or save them as gifts for other friends who are expecting girls. BUT...I really think it's a GIRL. My friend Bobby says he is banking on a boy. We'll see. It doesn't really matter to us what we have, so long as he/she is healthy and has 10 fingers and 10 toes! We're just thrilled because I know I wondered if it was *EVER* going to be *our time* to have a baby!
Anyway, aren't these outfits just adorable? I have them already arranged in the closet by size. I have yet to arrange them by specific hanger colors, but I don't know that I'm THAT OCD about it yet. My best find so far? The $32.50 hooded zippy Reindeer sweater at the top, originally $32.50 that I got at Gymboree Online for $4.99. I have mittens and brown corduroy reindeer overalls to match, too! My next best find? A pink "puffer" jacket from The Children's Place that was originally $39.50 that I bought in one of their St. Louis outlet stores for $7.99!!! Yes, to me that is a STEAL! Heck, I can't go to Wal-Mart and buy a coat for my kid that cheap, you know?
Everything I've bought so far has been on sale and trust me when I say I have a ton of stuff. Newborn, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 6-12, 12-18, and 18-24 months....all lining the closet. I even have a few pair of shoes to match a few of the little outfits I've purchased. I'm still really looking for something special for the first birthday but will probably wait until he/she gets here and I get to know the personality of the baby...
On another note, I have been seriously nauseated for the last week, pretty steadily. Thank goodness for these Preggie Pop Drops I've discovered. I know they sell them online but I buy mine at the Motherhood Maternity store in Tulsa and we just got some more in Joplin this weekend. They're a lifesaver. If you've never had morning sickness, don't let the term fool you: It can come on at any time of day, and last for however long it wants to. These Preggie Pop Drops HELP, I'm telling you! They take away the ick feeling. Yesterday was a particularly baaaaad day with the ick feeling and I even stayed home while Todd went to a St. Patrick's Day party without me just because I felt so...gross... I didn't mind. I stayed on the couch and watched a movie in between dozing off and sips of ice cold water. I am trying to really ration my Pop Drops out and since yesterday was such a gross day, I had already had 4 by the time we got back home so I didn't want to eat any more of them so I just suffered with it. Never threw up; just the worst feeling of nausea in the world, just about. UGH! I have ginger tea in the cabinet for this very thing but I despise ginger's spicy twang so I couldn't bring myself to drink any of it....but I'm feeling ick again this evening so I think I'll go make a cup.
I hope everyone has a great week. Thanks for reading and thanks for all your support and encouragement! It means more to me than you know!
hun isf you are ratining the pop drops out then may i suggest eating like 4 or 5 saltine crackers they do the trick also. i know there carbs but it works. much love amber
I absolutely love this page you have made!! You are one of the most beautiful pregnant women I know..keep up the good work, and keep finding some good buys!!! Wheres the ultrasound "report" at??
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