Well, here it is...the travel system we purchased this past weekend when we were in Kansas City shopping for baby. Todd picked it out, actually, and he did a great job if I do say so myself. The system I'd picked out? It would not have worked for a little boy. It was a vintage Mother Goose theme called "Once Upon A Time" and just darling, but I digress.
Todd took one look at the Mother Goose ensemble and rolled his eyes. He then spotted this cute setup featuring animals (imagine that!) in khaki and cream-colored fabric. With some pink or blue streamers it'll be set for a little prince or princess.
Right now it's in the box in the closet but I cannot wait to get it together and start using it in, oh, a good eight months or so! The best feature on this system is the natural "Z" handle on the infant seat. The next best thing is the singular handle on the back, useful for one-handed steering. Most moms, I've noticed, usually have the stroller but are holding baby, so we figured that this little feature would be very convenient when the occasion arises.
We also have one of those Baby Bjorn things so that you can move around the house or the stores with ease, and your hands are free while the device holds baby snugly against your body. I know THAT will come in handy and as Baby Watts grows and gets heavier. Some babies feel like sacks of potatoes and I can't imagine trying to lug a baby, a diaper bag AND get your business or cleaning done while toting a baby in your arms all day long. I can imagine it, I mean, but I just don't think my arms are strong enough to do all that! Tee hee hee.
I have a TON of clothes in the closet for this baby. No joke. I keep buying more all the time. We have both boys and girls items, but admittedly I've purchased mainly girl items. Truth be told, they're WAAAYYYY cuter than boys' stuff! However, we do have clothes for both sexes, and in sizes all the way up to 18 months so we'll be set at least for the first year or two, depending on the size of Baby Watts at any given time of year.
It's so hard for me to imagine that by this time next year I will have experienced yet again a huge life change. It excites me. In fact, I have so many emotions about it that I can't begin to list them all here. It's scary, sure, to think about being responsible for another life for the rest of their life. Scary, but also I'm soooo looking forward to the rewards.
So...here's to the dirty diapers. Here's to the little smiles. Here's to the messy house I expect to have at least for the first couple months, and here's to the First Birthday. And, I have to say it, here's to everything that comes before, during and after. I'm hanging on tight but holding on loosely, just like the song in my heart tells me to do...
Until next time,
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