The story of us...The Watts Family...and regular updates for those who are following...


ALERT...ALERT...New Post...New Post...

Well, I have been about 3 weeks without a computer that has my baby's pictures on it. I have a camera, but have NO CLUE how to load the software onto our new computer.. UGH. Mommy Liz is soooo not tech savvy...

Todd bought me a new computer to do my work on. Unfortunately, my programs canNOT be backed up (because they are copyrighted) so I have to wait until my savvy hubby backs them up for me onto our NEW computer. UGH. It has been a REAL struggle, lemme tell you, for me to go without blogging. I wake up with blog ideas in mind. I put her in cute outfits and have no resource with which to download pictures, events, etc. UGH.

Folks, I'm tellin' you...if your computer ever goes NOT get VISTA. It is STILL giving me problems. I don't know what to doooooo!!!!! What so-called "master"mind at Microsoft designed VISTA???? Because it is worthless. There are many jobs I can't even GET because I now have Windows 2007 and Vista. UGH, for the third time. I HAVE TO UPDATE...why aren't THEY??! LOL.

On a HAPPY note, The Watts family attended a beaUTIFUL wedding at Brown Mansion in Coffeyville, Kansas, this afternoon/evening. It was absolutely romantic, beautiful, elegant. What else can I say? The bride, Amanda, looked gorgeous, and the wedding itself was THE BOMB. Seriously, it was like a spread from Martha Stewart WEDDINGS. Red and lavendar were the colors and at first I was like, "What??!" But it truly, TRULY, was beautiful, elegant, simple and full of class. We got pictures, but since we had to buy a new computer (and I dunno how to install programs) ya'll will hafta wait until Todd has time to do it and download everything.

Anyway, the wedding was absolutely gorgeous. I WILL be posting pictures soon. Since Todd and I are (unfortunately) "only" children, we (fortunately) have many "aunts and uncles" who GLADLY help with Molly Piper and seem to grab her up when we are in social settings such as this one. Tonight, Uncle Lanny's FIRST dance was with Molly. After that, she clapped and "danced" her way into others' hearts as the music in the 3rd story ballroom carried on. After that, when Molly grew tired and it was time for bed, we headed downstairs so Todd could pull the car up (as it was raining). Uncle Justin gommed onto Molly and began showing her off on the porch while Mommy and Aunt Pam visited about the TV shows we're addicted to (Jon & Kate +8 and Tori & Dean). LOL.

The Wann Crew, as always, were SOOOOO sweet. I just love all of Todd's friends...they are all so down to earth, sweet, and just plain ACCEPTING of people. They do not judge anyone.

The only thing better than tonight's plans were if The Watts Fam were in St. Louis enjoying the Cards game. We had tickets but had to forego due to weather/finances. Oh well. There's always NEXT year. I just hope the inconsiderate drunkards in the seats next to ours enjoyed having more space than they would have had if we'd have been there. UGH. I HATE to miss a Cards game, but this year, we've already been to one, so it's okay.

Next year, though? Watch out!!!! Molly will be yelling and cheering on her favorite Cardinal player, so loooookOUT!!!!! LOL. She is a LIVE WIRE, I'm telling you.

As for tonight? Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Landon Minor. May you be blessed and experience happiness throughout your journey! God bless and keep you...
Todd, Liz, Molly Piper Watts

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