The story of us...The Watts Family...and regular updates for those who are following...


Miss Molly is petting the goats...or sheep...or whatEVER they're called. They may be sweet and cute, but that does NOT mean I know what they're called!
HEY!!! YOU!! I CAN drink from this 20-ounce bottle, you know!!!

Mommy and Molly Piper and Molly's hip-hop-anonymous (as in the flick Big Daddy) pool! LOL. Thanks, Todd, for blowing it up for Molly! You saw it and she TRULY enjoyed splashing in it.

Molly Piper, in her daddy's arms. Tulsa Zoo. June, 2009.

Good Morning, Sunshine! Tulsa Zoo, June 2009!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I LOVE these pictures!! Goodness Molly is ALWAYS smiling! That little blow up pool is so cute! Look at her standing up!!! GEEZ!! Noah isn't even sitting on his own yet! I hear boys are slower than girls, and this proves it! Don't worry, though... he'll catch up & be chasing Molly soon enough (snicker!).

Goat..?? Maybe? (hehe!)


Amber, Jason & Noah!